


Solutions for tomorrow's world


The world changes. Time to change with it.

Founded by 20 plus year veterans of business in different fields and disciplines, Aluminaire Consulting combines sound business thought and principals along with emerging technologies to give our clients the leg up they need to excel. After employing and honing our skills for years under the hospices of large corporations, we've turned our attention toward helping smaller businesses who lack the advantages of the Fortune 500. We also employ highly trained younger consultants who come to us with a fresh perspective and the latest skills because experience is worth a lot, but new perspectives keep our team at the cutting edge..



(844) 220-2147



Highland Park, NJ 08904




Our Services

Some consultants ask what services you want. Aluminaire Consulting asks where you want to go, what you want to achieve and then we provide the services you need to get there. A car dealer sells you the car he has in his showroom; we build you the car, boat, jet or spaceship that will launch your company. We think that's important.


Website Creation

A web presence is a requirement for ALL businesses. If you are a service or retailer you need a modern website to bring in business or support your customers. Don't rely on Facebook or other platforms that feed off of your traffic: redirect visitors to your own site where you control the presentation and collect the usage data. Modern websites don't need to be static; they can do everything from display custom information to helping customers shop and make purchases. Websites can create a community or be the virtual site of your business. But it doesn't necessarily come easy - the web still makes you work for it. That's where we come in.


Software, app and advanced website creation

The right tool for the right job. Sometimes off-the-shelf doesn't cut it. That's why we develop web applications as well as desktop applications. With many languages, platforms and developers at our disposal, we can provide a number of stock, semi-custom and completely custom applications for our clients. We may develop software that only your business needs - that will make the difference between success and failure for your company. We may develop a website that targets your users or a multi-user database that helps your staff take care of many clients at once. There are very few solutions we can't develop and we can work with almost any budget.



Your organization / charity / campaign / business might have all its ducks in a row but people haven't found you yet. It's like a tree that falls in the forest: does it make a sound if no one is there to hear it? It's an old question but we offer a different answer: it doesn't matter. In business you can fell all the right "trees", make the right ripples in the pond but without exposure, no one will ever know. Not all exposure has to come with a huge price tag. Don't worry we can help.


Commercial Art Services

TFrom your logo to your web-art to your print and video ads, you need the talents of good artists and savvy industry experts to steer you toward what will be attractive and memorable. Maybe your old logo isn't cutting it anymore, too dated, too boring? No problem. Maybe you need large format art for print ads or events, we have you covered. You might need a combination of skills and trades; we're your producers, your directors and your budget minders.


Trusted advisors

Maybe you don't know what you want or how to get where you're going. That's okay with us. We like a blank slate. Call on our creative, tech savvy and business acumen and our friendly consultants will help you realize your goals no matter how specific of general, short term or long term, elementary or herculean - plan to win with us. So much winning. :) Trust Aluminaire.

Small, medium, large businesses, from startups to well established - all have challenges. The mistake is to think you need a large, expensive firm to address those challenges. We have the skills and the agility to meet any obstacles and achieve any businesses goals.
— Bryan Hayward, Founder